Grammar Sam

Thursday, April 06, 2006

This is the beginning . . .

Having never written anything of real importance (personal journals, kiddy Christmas book and mediocre writing contests, notwithstanding), the blog begins.

Some time back in 1995 I had two dreams that dealt with words:

(1) I dreamt that I wrote something amazing that started with the words "Having never . . . " (Just a couple of years ago I learned that those words were actually the future perfect tense. True.) I'd like to think that this blog is the fulfillment of that vision in my nodding off.

(2) I dreamt that I was in a rock band called Fearless, Fearless whose hit single was called "C.C. Camping Ground."

Hmmm . . . weird.

Anyway. I'm glad to begin. To write. To expand. To ultimately crap out a bunch of stuff that I'll probably regret or get all huffed up about.


At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got the first comment, everybody! Me! I got it!


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